
Showing posts from July, 2017

Flim-Flam President - The Big Bully on Capital Hill

Flim-Flam President - The Big Bully on Capitol Hill -  He fires and hires people more than any president in history. Hilary and more scandals, who cares! I don't, we need a Congress that gets things done.  WE THE PEOPLE have allowed the Congressional Clowns to waste 6 months on Chaos and confusion about everything except what matters to you. It is all News but irrelevant to the real issues, it all fracking The Apprentice: Presidential Edition I think we need to concentrate on real problems. WE need clean water supply, Desalination plants built now, China is finishing building 27 Nuclear Reactors and we haven't built one since 1974, England is banning gasoline and diesel cars in 2040, Norway is 37% Electric Cars, China 12% Electric Cars by 2020. China is securing and mining all the rare earth minerals in South Africa, and building a railway to transport the minerals back to China to corner the market, They are building a massive solar plant in t...