A Pathological Liar - Evil takes many Forms
You are believing a Pathological Liar who is Trump! He is an evil poison this country is inhaling, decaying everything he touches.
Have you ever known a Pathaological Liar, His Reality mixes with paranoid fantasy!
Why do we continue to allow this Chaos Bringer to bring Chaos and mental destruction everywhere.
One who keeps a copy of Hitler's speeches at his bedside, Ivana is telling us, speaks volumes of who he emulates!
ALL MEDIA should denounce him, ignore him. He is his own media by using Twitter, thin.
Remember the mental illness of McCarthy's paranoid delusions and how it led our country down a dark path. Learn from the past!
We are letting history repeat itself if we let this sick delusional narcissist continue to confuse America and take all the focus off of Trump and to anything that creates confusion and chaos around him. He is playing a long day of misdirection and casting doubts on everyone else, and picking people for cabinet positions that are an anti-thesis of those departments they are picked. EPA - director is against the environment, Education - director is against public education, and the list goes on with a "control freak" who trusts noone, and if his tax returns and not revealed all future presidents will do the same. If he can profit as a business president all future presidents will do the same.
He releases his own press releases in the form of a twitter, without any human media to interact.
We as a people need to hold those we elect immediately accountable in so much as they represent the interests and welfare of the American People.
This is one president we cannot give a chance or time to get into his job. The Germans said the same thing about Hitler in the 1930's, that his speeches were captivating to the German people, and the Germans gave Hitler a chance until is was too late to revoke his power to lead his people down a dark path for his nation. I think it is important for Americans now and in coming generations to take the selection of a president more seriously and what can occur thorough abstinence of voting for a president and what will happen to the lives of those on a personal level as a result of electing someone that only has the interests of his fellow billionaires and special interest group at heart. To be selfish or selfless are dynamically different in its impact on a society. We need to all be vigilant now and in the future of who we allow in the position of not only a leader of our country but ethical pulse and presence to the rest of the world.
What do you do with a man who is Paranoid schizophrenia, or schizophrenia with paranoia as doctors now call it, is the most common example of this mental illness. He thinks everyone is after him and everyone is wiretapping him and doing all this to take the attention off of him and his unethical behavior.
Have you ever known a Pathaological Liar, His Reality mixes with paranoid fantasy!
Why do we continue to allow this Chaos Bringer to bring Chaos and mental destruction everywhere.
One who keeps a copy of Hitler's speeches at his bedside, Ivana is telling us, speaks volumes of who he emulates!
ALL MEDIA should denounce him, ignore him. He is his own media by using Twitter, thin.
Remember the mental illness of McCarthy's paranoid delusions and how it led our country down a dark path. Learn from the past!
We are letting history repeat itself if we let this sick delusional narcissist continue to confuse America and take all the focus off of Trump and to anything that creates confusion and chaos around him. He is playing a long day of misdirection and casting doubts on everyone else, and picking people for cabinet positions that are an anti-thesis of those departments they are picked. EPA - director is against the environment, Education - director is against public education, and the list goes on with a "control freak" who trusts noone, and if his tax returns and not revealed all future presidents will do the same. If he can profit as a business president all future presidents will do the same.
He releases his own press releases in the form of a twitter, without any human media to interact.
We as a people need to hold those we elect immediately accountable in so much as they represent the interests and welfare of the American People.
This is one president we cannot give a chance or time to get into his job. The Germans said the same thing about Hitler in the 1930's, that his speeches were captivating to the German people, and the Germans gave Hitler a chance until is was too late to revoke his power to lead his people down a dark path for his nation. I think it is important for Americans now and in coming generations to take the selection of a president more seriously and what can occur thorough abstinence of voting for a president and what will happen to the lives of those on a personal level as a result of electing someone that only has the interests of his fellow billionaires and special interest group at heart. To be selfish or selfless are dynamically different in its impact on a society. We need to all be vigilant now and in the future of who we allow in the position of not only a leader of our country but ethical pulse and presence to the rest of the world.
What do you do with a man who is Paranoid schizophrenia, or schizophrenia with paranoia as doctors now call it, is the most common example of this mental illness. He thinks everyone is after him and everyone is wiretapping him and doing all this to take the attention off of him and his unethical behavior.
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