Why Defend a President who has been Guilty for 50 years
I received a email to Defend this President. Why defend a man who have been screwing people over his whole life. He defrauded thousands of people from Trump University, to discrimination against ALL NOT WHITE in his parents housing projects. Deals with Russia for Hotels, his daughter getting trademarks granted by China while working for the White House, his Hotels making millions while in office, the list is endless,and 6000 lies later.
All contributions cannot be but from people. We need to ban all contributions by corporations, ban Superpak funds. The corporations are running American and not the middle and lower class. We are the laughing stock of the rest of the world. China has a one party system, it works, they build their infrastructure while we have a never ending battle in Congress between Democrats and Republicans.
We have pathological Liar as president who is beyond mentally disturbed and has embarrassed the "Dark side" as Lucas would say it.
He cares nothing of the environment and only of himself.
The new show in January will be "The Apprentice: The Survivors Edition"
The President should be made an example of and have Alcatraz reopened just for Donald Trump. Like Hitler's assistant was kept in a prison with only one person till he died.
Why don't the Republicans stand up to this Felon and Criminal. Read your constitutional law, Trump spits on the Constitution and Congress (All Republican Senators) don't honor the men who have died for the Constitution and United States. They shouldn't be scared that if they don't support Trump they won't be reelected. They should be scared of how long it will take to undo the damage this villain has done to the country.
He is a despot ruler. He make edicts by Twitters like a king from his castle. He has bypassed Congress and this he can rule on high with out the will of the people or Congress. WE the People need to make an example of this man, who has divided this country and is the most bigoted person since George Wallace was in office. He disrespects the diversity that his country has brought in the way of talent to the American Melting Pot. His Isolationist and Nationalist stance is an embarrassment to the founding fathers. He puts everyone and everything down. Is this the example or role model we want to have our youth to look up to. The time is now, to remove this person from office along with all those he appointed to bring back an America that is represented by the major of its citizens and not minority upper class who only have their self-interests to fulfill.
Why do we live in a 240 house that needs upgrade of new windows, new insulation, new wiring, new water and sewage pipes, the roof is leaking, the foundation needs fixing, the property and land needs weeding and landscaping; the house is surrounded by a 50 foot electrified fence with missiles on every corner, with a super computer in the basement, next to a 100 year old water heater. THIS IS THE UNITED STATES
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