Trump - Anarchist and Loves Pandemics!
Trump should be impeached again for war crimes, involuntary manslaughter, and then a go to the new show The Apprencise: The Survivors Edition, whereby his entire cabinet and Pence are sent to a desert island to survive, with everything broadcast 24 hours a day, like the Truman Show. The Christian Evagalists dont need the Anti-Christ they have Trump. He has a building at 666 Fith Avenue in New York, hint hint!!!! He said he is the "absolute authority" that is what Hitler said, he is telling all the Democraft states with governors to protest the lockdown. Trump is killing off his base with a virus 85 time more contagious that any flu!!! Kursner and Pence can't even get ventilators to hospistals, and PPE to staff, some fired for not working without masks. He sent 20 tons of PPE to China in January, screwing all you Americans and Hospitals. The hospitals are not at fault but the large conglomerate corporations with their bean counters that wouldn't spend the money...