Hospital Profitability

What do you think of the social distancing till 2022. Do you think people are going to change their lives as a result of this outbreak. Do you think it disgraceful that workers at the hospitals are dying, doctors and nurses because the federal government won’t give them enough supplies. I think it is mainly the damn corporations that own the hospitals, didn’t have enough stockpile for this. The bean counters who want to save a buck didn’t think it was cost effective to prepare for a pandemic. It appears the bottom line is hospital/corporations, many were shut down in California and other states due to lack of need. Profitability at hospitals according to my wife and brothers wife, who works at a hospital but now at home at a call center, to maintain profit curve a certain percentage of beds have to be occupied.
The media doesn’t realize the profit motive of big hospital chains that depended on the federal government and assumed they had massive military outlets in every state with all the needed medical supplies for a pandemic. I think the blame should be shared between all hospitals and their parent corporations along with the federal government.
Oh, we forgot Trump fired everyone in the emergency preparedness branch, cut back OSHA, cut back the EPA.
If our air pollution was as always as low as it is now due to less cars, thousands less people would die from respiratory relates illnesses. 45 Million children have asthma due to the high level of air pollution in the inner cities.
Why does our president want everyone to suffer by easing emission standards, thereby endangering people’s lives?
 I watched the “Death of Stalin last night, and I think we don’t need another dictatorship, since Trump said he has “absolute or ultimate authority” over the states. Doesn’t that sound like someone who said he wants to get rid of the constitution because he doesn’t understand its value?
Why would he bring up the comparison of Captain Bly from “Mutiny on the Bounty”? Does that seem a bit strange, since he was a tyrant.


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