Republicans still dont want any Infrastructure/ Unamerican is Republicans

 Really, We need more like $20 Trillion for 50 years of neglect  our Infrastructure.

But, it is ok to give over $3 Trillion to the super rich and corporations. Those funds were supposed tro trickle down to the middle class, but companies did shares buyback, and their workers got nothing Trump spend over $8Trillion to helpe the superich, and eliminate all protection to the environement and killed 600,000 people He is pure EVIL and we have to stop argueing about the obvious falling of our bridges with 416,000 bridge over 14,000 are dangerous to cross. All our utlities should be underground!!!  
Because Congress can't cash in all the money for the infrastruture, that is why republicans are against anything that helps the status-quo. If 75% of oil production is no longer needed for cars, then that oil will last a hundred years. 
Power companies won't have to make new power  plants if all homes have solar on them, no more power outgages during storms!
Water quality is the worse in hisory, we still use 100 year old trains system, whil Europe and China have Maglevs and high speed trains. WE need need to compete wiht the rest of the world with having the best builidings, best water treatment and transportation system, best roads, and best bridges, best long distance high speed system. Even our airports are out of date, only the united states have airports that airlines should pay for, and not the citizens who pay for it in higher tickete and higher taxes. 
THE REPUBLICANS have done nothing for the last 40 years to fix our Infrastructure.   They still want to ignore the deteroriation of our bridges, roads, and airports, waterways, powergrid, etc.

Your party has ignored the environment, and our infrastrcuture is the worst in the world amongst how wealthy we are!
20% MINIMUM tax on all billionaires, and millionaires, after all deductions.
The super rich should pay the same percentage as the middle-class.  YOur party has manipulated the system due to corporations controlling Congress with Super Pac donations and others to influence how Congress passes laws.
Furthermore, Any Republican that doens't wanted mandated vaccinations, doesn't remember the deaths due to Smallpox and Polio in the early 1900's and 1800's. 
Even Benjamin Franklin regrets not getitng his 4 year vaccinated for smallpox who died.

Pat Toomey - Republican says

"There is a need to expand and maintain our nation's real, physical infrastructure, which is why the federal government spends billions on these projects every year. But this legislation is too expensive, too expansive, too unpaid for, and too threatening to the innovative cryptocurrency economy.

Federal infrastructure spending should be driven by a reasoned assessment of our nation's needs, but this process was driven by Democratic political imperatives rather than necessity. As a result, much of the bill's spending on actual infrastructure is excessive - such as the $107 billion for transit even as nearly $40 billion in transit "COVID" money remains unspent. Worse, the bill funnels billions to projects that the private sector has been more than willing to fund, such as ferries, EV charging stations, and the power grid. It also showers taxpayer dollars on items, like Pacific salmon conservation, tree planting, and demolishing "racist" highways, that cannot be considered infrastructure at all.

Despite promises this legislation would be entirely paid for, the bill instead adds hundreds of billions to our already staggering deficit when about $1 trillion in unspent ‘COVID relief' is still available for repurposing. This comes on the heels of $4 trillion to combat a pandemic, a $2 trillion liberal wish-list rushed through by Democrats on a partisan basis in March, and the specter of another $3.5 trillion monstrosity that would radically redefine the very role of the federal government in the lives of middle-class Americans. To put this in perspective, Congress could pass over a quarter of our nation's GDP this year in new spending.

If those features were not bad enough, this legislation imposes a badly flawed, and in some cases unworkable, cryptocurrency tax reporting mandate that threatens future technological innovation.

For these reasons, I could not support this measure.

The Democrats' Reckless Tax and Spending Spree

The budget resolution embraced this week by the Democrats paves the way for legislation that would redefine the very role of the federal government in the lives of average Americans, all under a 50-50 Senate, a razor thin-majority in the House, and a President who was elected on moderation. After Democrats shamelessly used COVID as an excuse to pass a partisan $2 trillion liberal wish-list in March, Budget Chairman Bernie Sanders has brought the rest of his party along for another $3.5 trillion that seeks to increase dependency of the middle class on the federal government, re-engineer the economy to benefit liberal interest groups, and provide tax breaks to the ultra-wealthy in Democrat-run states. The economic condition of the country does not call for this radical vision, and the American people did not vote for it. I will oppose this reckless tax and spending spree every step along the way."


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