New postmaster general invested in Postal Service competitors

Biden needs to immediately get rid of the head of the USPS. 

Louis Devoy is intentionally impeding the mail service with the intent to affect the midterm elections. 

Devoy is violating the constitution by slowing mail service, and taking mail sorters offline, and has a conflict of interest by investing in USPS competitors. 

Here is another of countless examples of Trump leaving behind people from the Trump administration with the intent to corrupt and influence mail in ballots. Devoy is corrupt and when someone is investing in  Reading below sends a message to other countries the level of corruption that Trump left behind for the next administration to deal with. Trump .

18 U.S. Code § 1701 - Obstruction of mails generally

18 U.S. Code § 1703 - Delay or destruction of mail or newspapers

The claim: Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has $70 million invested in companies that compete with the United States Postal Service

President Donald Trump appointed a new postmaster general for the U.S. Postal Service in May, and this summer his pick has come under criticism on social media.

"New (Republican) businessman Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has $70m invested in companies that compete w/the Postal Service," Facebook user Florence Vincent wrote in a post on July 27. She told USA TODAY that her post was based on a few stories she found.

The claim found its way to Twitter this month. User @CarolynYoung64 posted a meme on Aug. 3 with a picture of DeJoy "wearing" a badge that reads "Other98." Next to the picture is a statement about DeJoy's investments. The Other 98 is a progressive social media organization that creates meme content primarily for Facebook, according to its website.

"Trump's Postmaster General Louis DeJoy and his wife have between $30.1 million and $75.3 million in assets in U.S. Postal Service competitors and contractors," reads the meme's statement. "The man Trump put in charge of OUR Postal Service has the most to gain from its destruction."

The tweet tagged House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.; and Reps. Adam Schiff, D-Calif.; and Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., with a request to "Please subpoena & stop DeJoy NOW."

Leadership of the Postal Service has been reshaped with mostly Trump appointees. Its board of governors appointed North Carolina businessman and Trump campaign donor Louis DeJoy to the helm after U.S. Postal Service career veteran Megan Brennan retired earlier this year.

DeJoy began his new role in June during a time of financial hardship for the Postal Service. Postal officials told Congress in April that the service could run out of money by the end of September in part because of COVID-19, according to USA TODAY.

The claim about DeJoy's investments picked up speed amid reports that his restructuring of the Postal Service's priorities led to processing delays. Some view the changes as a political maneuver to undermine a projected ramp-up in voting by mail amid the COVID-19 pandemic, The Washington Post reported.



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