Trump the new Dictator for America
NY Fraud Appeal Hits a Snag as Trump Fails to Secure $550M Bond (
The president loves to commit fraud, not paying any bills, stealing from CPAC, rapist trying to get into the white house again. He loves Chaos as everyone in the white house reported during the Trump presidency. Riots were all over the country, He insulted everyone all the time, putting all women down, all people not white, insulting all countries except North Korea and Russia. What can you say about a president who admires dictators and stiffs everyone from lawyers to contractors for services rendered? Do we want that as the new philosophy for Americans?
Written on the Plague of the Statue of Liberty:
Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc.
We had a president who projected the image of hating any not white or female, it caught on like an infection, influencing people like the Dark Side of the Force in Star Wars, and Nazi Germany.
We should be able to process Illegal immigrants in a day, put them to work, tax them, and then if they have skills to contribute hire them to areas we need. 70% of all people in this country live on the East Coast and West Coast, and most of the country is open areas. Have them build new homes for all middle-class they need homes.
We are not a very compassionate nation, whereby we have a crazy rapist running for president, who flaunts all laws, and regulations, who is a traitor who steals classified documents and doesn't return them. He puts down everyone, never pays his bills, and puts down the United States. Why the hell does 40% of the people want him, they have no respect for the rules of law and order and would prefer anarchy that he pushed for 4 years, tearing apart families of illegal immigrants separating children from their parents, and putting them in concentration camps. There is an intestinal gap in many areas of the border fence, it is so badly designed you can shimmy up in 5 minutes. He never got a new health care package done, never finished the wall, never raised the minimum wages, and is using campaign funds to pay for his defense in violation of CPAC guidelines, he has always flaunted the law and will until the day he dies.
Why are so many Americans hateful of our country? Because our Congress no longer represents the best interest of the people's need for fair wages that keep up with inflation.
When wages for many jobs have remained net stagnant for 40 years, with recessions every 10 years for the lower of wages, it takes 10 years for those wages to come back up to what they were the previous generation. It is said that someone made $15/hr in 1982, and yet today there are people 40 years later still making that amount or less in wages, with higher taxes, cost of housing, food, transportation, and utilities. No wonder so many retail outlets have gone out of business. The cost for rent in malls and shopping centers is 10k-20k a month for 1000 sq. feet. If corporations paid their fair share of taxes, especially with many reaching $1-3 Trillion worth, that wealth should be passed on to the people who helped those companies achieve that goal. COLA or Cost of Living Allowance should be a constitutional amendment and due to the exchange rate with India going from 65 to 83 Rupees per dollar in the last year, more companies are outsourcing everything besides manufacturing goods.
How can the middle class get a piece of the action, with the unbelievable profits of corporations, and billionaires?
Congress of the United States is supposed to protect the American people from the greed and avarice of large corporations in so much as they refuse to do it willing, with layoffs at many companies after 3 years of layoffs during the pandemic that wasn't necessary but a excuse to increase profits at the expensive of the American worker.
I think we need a leader no matter how old who wants peace in the world, whereby we find what we have in common as opposed to our differences.
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