The Darkside Approaches for America a new Dictator Approaches

    Do we want a new Fascist Regime? He wants to be Hitler. He NEVER NEVER PAYS HIS bills! He has no respect for anyone or anything, he is a Godless pretender. He stiffs everyone, he is a pathological liar. He is beyond mental illness. He is like a level Dark Vader who pushes everyone around. He forgot what was written on the Statue of Liberty. He is totally computer illiterate and has no clue about science and technology. He is the ultimate hypocrite. Join the Empire and bring order to the Galaxy. That is the same Trump said. Trump quotes the words of Hitler all the time! He gains power by dividing all people based on race, creed, and color. He is anti-democracy! He will accelerate World War III as many countries in the world hate Trump except for those already under dictatorships, who support his agenda, before he dies, or goes to prison for his lifelong list of crimes.

Remember, every lawyer, every person Trump has done work for has been stiffed or gone to jail for Trump.

Trump is a mob boss, akin to Al Capone, and other people in history.

 If you want PURE evil like Dark Vader, but fatter in the Whitehouse again. He gave $10 Trillion to big corporations to make sure prices wouldn't go up under his regime. He drove many companies to other countries. There were more riots in the country under him than since the Civil War. 

The COLA ACT I created must become a reality! All middle-class haven't gotten a raise in over 40 years! Trump never fixed health care, never gave anyone raises, and never helped people in any way shape, or form!!!

The weak-willed people of this country are being tested again by this socio path person who has never had to struggle to pay bills in his life.



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