Congress and getting their Medical and Dental Plans

Maybe the members of Congress and President should take the Evelyn Wood Speed Reading Course, I can only imagine some of the members of Congress only read 200 words a minute. JFK who took speed reading could read at 5000 wpm.
For once our Congress should only think of the 99% or 320 million who need 100% paid coverage with only $100 a week taken out of their paycheck at it maximum.
Double the funding of Medicare,

let us all have the same MEDICAL AND DENTAL THAT ALL OF CONGRESS ENJOYS. Freeze all increase of premiums by all Insurance companies.
Oh, But Warren Buffet owns American Health Insurance companies?
I think we need to ban all contributions by Lobbyists to bring back democracy without perceived bias from those who donate the most.

 Look at Paul Ryans contributors for example.

Campaign Cmte Fundraising, 2015 - 2016

Raised: $19,811,897 Sparklines Explanation coming soon
Spent: $13,393,345
Cash on Hand: $9,098,873
Debts: $0
Last Report: Saturday, December 31, 2016

Top 5 Contributors, 2015 - 2016, Campaign Cmte

Bank of America$85,644$75,644$10,000
Nike Inc$70,300$69,300$1,000
Blackstone Group$68,000$68,000$0
Pfizer Inc$63,255$53,255$10,000
Apple Inc$62,850$62,850$0

Here are people who get money from special interest groups

Top 20 Recipients

Who owns Congress

Read also: The rest of this special report, a note on sourcing, and MoJo's daily political coverage.
What if members of Congress were seated not by party but according to the industries which gave them the most money over their entire careers?

The Senate: Lawyers, Drugs, and Money


Finance, insurance, and real estate  57

Lawyers and lobbyists  25

Health  5

Agribusiness  3

Labor  2

Energy and natural resources  2

Miscellaneous business  2

Communications and electronics  1
No money raised


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