
Showing posts from 2020

Trump and P.T. Barnum's Circus

      Trump is not in denial. He knows he lost, he is playing P.T. Barnum Circus, and trying to get as much money $200 million from people to pay off his campaign debt, he is fleecing the people intentially. He is a great deceiver. He has legal bills up the you know what, and he knows he needs millions to defend himself and family from oncoming criminal trials and lawsuits coming up next years. It is amazing how many people follow this modern Jim Jones. But, the cost of his following is costing American lives. People blindly are following his advise on Covid-19 by not wearing mask, and getting sick and dying or having long-term health issues.  People have changed much since the 1918-1920 Pandemic when after less than a year, politicians wanted to reopen all business and schools. The difference this time is that we have multiple vaccines avaialble. This vaccine should be perceived the same as getting a Polio Vaccine, which ravaged the world a century ago. There are ot...

Trump - Anarchist and Loves Pandemics!

Trump should be impeached again for war crimes, involuntary manslaughter, and then a go to the new show The Apprencise: The Survivors Edition, whereby his entire cabinet and Pence are sent to a desert island to survive, with everything broadcast 24 hours a day, like the Truman Show. The Christian Evagalists dont need the Anti-Christ they have Trump. He has a building at 666 Fith Avenue in New York, hint hint!!!! He said he is the "absolute authority" that is what Hitler said, he is telling all the Democraft states with governors to protest the lockdown. Trump is killing off his base with a virus 85 time more contagious that any flu!!! Kursner and Pence can't even get ventilators to hospistals, and PPE to staff, some fired for not working without masks. He sent 20 tons of PPE to China in January, screwing all you Americans and Hospitals. The hospitals are not at fault but the large conglomerate corporations with their bean counters that wouldn't spend the money...

Hospital Profitability

What do you think of the social distancing till 2022. Do you think people are going to change their lives as a result of this outbreak. Do you think it disgraceful that workers at the hospitals are dying, doctors and nurses because the federal government won’t give them enough supplies. I think it is mainly the damn corporations that own the hospitals, didn’t have enough stockpile for this. The bean counters who want to save a buck didn’t think it was cost effective to prepare for a pandemic. It appears the bottom line is hospital/corporations, many were shut down in California and other states due to lack of need. Profitability at hospitals according to my wife and brothers wife, who works at a hospital but now at home at a call center, to maintain profit curve a certain percentage of beds have to be occupied. The media doesn’t realize the profit motive of big hospital chains that depended on the federal government and assumed they had massive military outlets in every state with...

Doctor Trump is not In

Do believe that we created the Andromeda Strain, just because Michael Crighton wrote a book about it. Hospitals are screaming out at how we are NOT equipped to deal with this pandemic, the president did nothing for 3 years to deal with anything like this. Much of it is due to mandated paying of the asset tax on items stored in warehouses. Hospitals should be exempt from any such tax. Large corporations that now run all hospitals, count the beans and determined it is too expensive to buy a million masks or 1 million respirators until needed. But, by then it is too late. As a country we don’t prepare for disasters, we react to them. Look at Russia, it looks like Trumps best buddy has a minimal outbreak due to closing the borders immediately after the initial outbreak in China back in December, like we should have done. Idiots are still on the beaches in Florida and California in a state of denial that they have any need to be concerned. They are healthy and think, no not me I wil...

Far-UVC Light to eliminate Viruses from Airports and Airplanes

"In the constant battle against the spread of infectious diseases, scientists are continually on the hunt for new weapons that specifically target pathogenic microbes. Now, investigators from the Center for Radiological Research at Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC) believe they may have found a new, low-cost solution to eradicating airborne viruses in indoor public spaces. The research team found that continuous low doses of far ultraviolet C (far-UVC) light can kill airborne flu viruses without harming human tissues. The findings from the new study—published today in Scientific Reports in an article entitled “Far-UVC Light: A New Tool to Control the Spread of Airborne-Mediated Microbial Diseases”—suggests that use of overhead far-UVC light in hospitals, doctors' offices, schools, airports, airplanes, and other public spaces could provide a powerful check on seasonal influenza epidemics, as well as influenza pandemics." We need to install t...