
Showing posts from 2021

New postmaster general invested in Postal Service competitors

Biden needs to immediately get rid of the head of the USPS.  Louis Devoy is intentionally impeding the mail service with the intent to affect the midterm elections.  Devoy is violating the constitution by slowing mail service, and taking mail sorters offline, and  has a conflict of interest by investing in USPS competitors.  Here is another of countless examples of Trump leaving behind people from the Trump administration with the intent to corrupt and influence mail in ballots. Devoy is corrupt and when someone is investing in  Reading below sends a message to other countries the level of corruption that Trump left behind for the next administration to deal with. Trump . 18 U.S. Code § 1701 - Obstruction of mails generally 18 U.S. Code § 1703 - Delay or destruction of mail or newspapers The claim: Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has $70 million invested in companies that compete with the United States Postal Service President Donald Trump  appointed a new p...

Disinformation is the New American Way

I cant tell in the wording that the author doesn't want people to get vaccinated. This is FDA approved now!  When I was a kid, we never thought about not being vaccinated for Mumps, Chicken Pox, smallpox, and Polio. Trump is directly responsible for this right wing insanity, it is killing people in Florida, Alabama, Missippi, and other southern states. Once again the South Dakota Biking rallys has generated thousands of new cases.  It is so bad in the south due to Trump Syndrome that the disinformation as show above is allowing the number of cases to escalate.  No matter how many vaccines you get there will always be a 1-5% of the population that cannot create antibodies for various disesase. This is a revolutionary vaccine that is MrNA based, most vaccines use a dead virus to activate the immune system in the human body. This disease 1st infected Pangalons, Bata, Humans, and Deer, Cats, and Dogs. This rare cross species Covid-21 Lamda variant will affect our society for ...

Republicans still dont want any Infrastructure/ Unamerican is Republicans

  Really, We need more like $20 Trillion for 50 years of neglect  our Infrastructure. But, it is ok to give over $3 Trillion to the super rich and corporations. Those funds were supposed tro trickle down to the middle class, but companies did shares buyback, and their workers got nothing Trump spend over $8Trillion to helpe the superich, and eliminate all protection to the environement and killed 600,000 people He is pure EVIL and we have to stop argueing about the obvious falling of our bridges with 416,000 bridge over 14,000 are dangerous to cross. All our utlities should be underground!!!   Because Congress can't cash in all the money for the infrastruture, that is why republicans are against anything that helps the status-quo. If 75% of oil production is no longer needed for cars, then that oil will last a hundred years.  Power companies won't have to make new power  plants if all homes have solar on them, no more power outgages during storms! Water qua...

Religion, Politics, and Science

We had an evil chaos president for 4 years who polorized us against each other, and brainwashed everyone it making them believe he was good for the country. He convinced Churches this virus was not deadly, getting people to congregate. We wasted the lives of thousands fighting a senseless war in Iraq and Afghanistan, when we should have been securing mineral right for rare earth metals that exist there. China has the market by taking over South Africa, not by force but by rebuilding the cities like we should have done after the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. We enslaved Blacks for 200 years to build this nation, enslaved Chinese people for the railroads, and enslaved Hispanics for meanal labor with Christians and Catholics not condeming it  Such a hypocracy. It went against all the principles of the constitution. The Jewish people learned that 5000 years ago not to enslave another human being, respect is the best concept in religious freedom, dont' reinterpret and written Bible, or T...