
Showing posts from 2024

The Darkside Approaches for America a new Dictator Approaches

    Do we want a new Fascist Regime? He wants to be Hitler. He NEVER NEVER PAYS HIS bills! He has no respect for anyone or anything, he is a Godless pretender. He stiffs everyone, he is a pathological liar. He is beyond mental illness. He is like a level Dark Vader who pushes everyone around. He forgot what was written on the Statue of Liberty. He is totally computer illiterate and has no clue about science and technology. He is the ultimate hypocrite. Join the Empire and bring order to the Galaxy. That is the same Trump said. Trump quotes the words of Hitler all the time! He gains power by dividing all people based on race, creed, and color. He is anti-democracy! He will accelerate World War III as many countries in the world hate Trump except for those already under dictatorships, who support his agenda, before he dies, or goes to prison for his lifelong list of crimes. Remember, every lawyer, every person Trump has done work for has been stiffed or gone to jail for Trump. Trump is a

Trump the new Dictator for America

  NY Fraud Appeal Hits a Snag as Trump Fails to Secure $550M Bond (     The president loves to commit f raud, not paying any bills, stealing from CPAC, rapist trying to get into the white house again. He loves Chaos as everyone in the white house reported during the Trump presidency. Riots were all over the country, He insulted everyone all the time, putting all women down, all people not white, insulting all countries except North Korea and Russia. What can you say about a president who admires dictators and stiffs everyone from lawyers to contractors for services rendered? Do we want that as the new philosophy for Americans?     Written on the Plague of the Statue of Liberty:   Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc.     We had a president who projected the ima