Mitch McConnell and Impeachment Letter

The speaker of the house represents the Senators and the opinions of the American people all think that an Impeachment trial is necessary? It is amazing how so many people have "sold their souls" to Trump. He has a similar influence that Hitler and other influential leaders in history has had to manipulate the masses to his own end. He appears to be a puppet to Putin, and as many experts say, dictators and despot rulers enamor him.
Why does the Attorney General only represent the interests of the president, instead of the oath he swore to uphold the constitution and best interests of the American people? The list of people how are Trump Loyalists instead of Never Trumpers is reminiscent of Nazi Germany where Hitler as he ascended to power banned all newspapers that were not favorable to his desire to “Make Germany Great” “Machen Deutschland wider groß” Trump has adopted many of Hitler’s slogans. Coincidence or another example of what type of king, and ruler he want to be. However, he does not realize this is the United States and not Germany. His 30% base will give their lives for them. Germany did not have the same level of racial diversity as America has today.
His bigotry and white supremacist attitude is pronounced when he support the white Nazi supremacist when he Charlottesville riots occurred, supporting their actions, hit thousands of tweets have reinforced his racists’ attitude and lack of respect for anyone regardless of gender, race, or color.
Trump even invited an anti-Semitic Florida pastor Rick Wiles to the White house after he said “Jew Coup: Seditious Jews Orchestrating Trump Impeachment Lynching.”  Then he said all Jews would go to Hell. This is insane to allow a president to let a man into the White house with this sick and twisted few on people of another faith.
Why does he find it necessary to put everyone down? Is this due to his insecurity of himself, along with his need to bully anyone who has a difference of opinion?
I say to you Mitch McConnell:
 "As Speaker of the Senate you should be unbiased, as written in the constitution when it comes to impeachment. You should not talk to the White House about impeachment. You are biasing yourself and should recuse yourself.
Trump is a gangster who should be impeached and put in prison. He has violated everything that a president stands for; from insulting 16-year-old children to anyone, that has a difference of opinion. He only supports the wealthy and rich. He does not care anything about the lower income, middle class and has created the largest divide between Democrats and Republicans since the Civil War.
Trump should also have an impeachment article in violation of the emolument clause, since he has made millions have international political leader stay at his hotels around the world, including armed forces troops.
You swore an oath to uphold the constitution! You have violated the trust of the American People and gone against the constitution.
You have been influenced and dominated by a president who pushes people to his will.
You have no free will as long as you think it is better to protect the president instead of what is in the best interest of the American People.
After 240 years, what you do now will go down in history.  The world is watching, so we cannot have a king like Trump ever again.
Hundreds of 100 of scholars and experts on constitutional law all agree that what Trump has done along with his 3 years of pathological lying is a stain of the role of president of the United States. The Tariffs along has become federal sales taxes that have tripled the price of all paper products.
After 10 years, has there been no doubling the minimum wage, since inflation over the last 30 now makes the wages of all middle class worth 50% less relative to buying power compared to the prices of everything 30 years ago.
Why do corporations continue to enjoy paying wages for the lower and middle class job classifications have essentially been frozen for 30 years, except programming, and high-end tech jobs. If all Americans in the lower and middle class range has their wages increased by at least 50% then families would flourish, more people could buy homes, and new appliances, new cars, essentially put more money back into the economy.
Why do you only represent such a corrupt president instead of the principles of the America that should be uphold to the ideals of the constitution!



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