Scott Pruitt the EPA Executioner

Scott Pruitt the EPA Executioner
Scott Pruitt is going to single handed rollback all protection to people by companies that think it is their right to pollute in every way shape and form. Scott Pruitt as head of the EPA will remove all protections it has taken decades to put into place. 
"Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator, is his penchant for filing lawsuits to block the EPA from enforcing clean air, clean water and climate regulations, rather than suing polluters in his own state of Oklahoma."
He is a proponent of allow chicken manure to contaminate the Illinois river, “dismantled his own office environmental protection unit.” Later after he allowed Tyson Food to dump chick manure he received a $40,000 donation to his reelection campaign.
Since corporations have no conscious when it comes to the environment. Companies are going to have a field day. But, I imagine there will be a battle with California since the California government and people want to protect their environment from those who don't care about anything but profits. 
     Let us see how Scott Pruitt explains the massive number of earthquakes in Oklahoma due to fracking in the region. “In 2015, it endured 857 earthquakes with a magnitude of 3.0 or higher, more than struck the rest of the lower 48 states combined. They are caused by wastewater injection, a process in which millions of gallons of salty water are pumped deep underground. This water is often a by-product of fracking, the natural-gas mining process that has spread across the country and revolutionized the U.S. energy industry. “Every state in the region - Texas, Kansas, Arkansas, and Colorado—watched the number of earthquakes rise in the years after 2008.” according to a report in The Atlantic magazine. Every area of the United States that has allowed fracking to occur has contaminated the ground water, water supply for the people in the area, and affected the plate tectonics in the area which has initiated earthquakes in all those area. Earthquakes also occurred due to hydraulic fracturing, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York.
We will be able to thank Trump and Scott Pruitt for allowing fracking to get expensive oil out of the fault lines in the above states with the added bonus of earthquakes, destruction and suffering for the people of all the states in our country due to his potential allowance of fracking anywhere in the country. As a result all the insurance companies refused to pay out any of the 274 insurance claims except 4 due to earthquake damage. A lawsuit was filed against 27 Oil Company’s fracking in the area. Pruitt has no interest in protecting Oklahoma and its citizens obviously consider what transpired. He only cares about the corporations and their potential financial contributions to his election agenda.
He will probably try to eliminate the Clean Power Plan due to his not getting enough contributions from the wind, water, and solar industry. In so much as he has extensive ties with fossil fuel industries Pruitt will do everything possible to undermine the development of wind, solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, and nuclear power industry.
I find it contrary to thinking the companies in the south and other parts of the country, who are God fearing people, could have such a low respect for our environment and offend the planet Earth God has created for mankind and all the other animals and plants that inhabit it.



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