A New Era under a Trump Presidency

       It looks like you don't need the House of Representative or Senate anymore since Trump has become the new dictator, leader, and authoritarian of this country. He has issued "executive orders" faster than anyone in history, bypassing any discussion in our previous democracy.
     What happened to democracy, which is going away under the Trump Regime? Don't we ever learn from history? It is repeating itself. Trump want to eliminate any agency he doesn't understand. The DOE supports this are with thousands of jobs. The Egyptian rulers discovered that domination over the masses was successful when the citizens were kept uneducated except for the elite’s children who would inherit their parent’s positions of power.
It will be interesting to see who in Congress will stand with Americans for what our Constitution and Ethics and Beliefs Today mean to all. There is too much anger that has been generated by the manipulation of the media by our new president with all of Congress taking a backseat to what has unfolded. There has been enough said by all on Trump and his new billionaire cabinet of the rich and elite to shape this nation in their image! I thought they were elected to represent the best of interest of the majority and not the minority elite. I think we have lost our path as an integral part of a planetary economy. There are those that don't understand the value of international trade and tolerance of all beliefs, religions, and those that wish a peaceful co-existence. Time shall provide a testament to how we want to live with each other and perceive life and the power struggle of what we define and good and evil intentions by those in the seat of power around the globe.


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