America Goes Dark - No More Clean Anything - All wildlife fair game

People who voted for Trump, many are Christian. Don't they have respect for God and the Earth precepts when they follow this demagogue; Then how can they condone no respect for people or the environment of God. How can we allow a madman who thinks H20 is a rock band and wants to roll back every protection for the environment and civil rights for the last hundred years It is American's duty to impeach this Demagogue and manic depressive psychopath. Don't drink the Kool-Aid!

     Does anyone have the guts or principles to stand-up to a man and way of thinking who is turning everyone against each other! America needs to show the world that we have the morals and dignity to take back this country from an evil movement to undermine every good thing this country has ever done.

     Does anyone have the guts to stand-up to a man who is turning everyone against each other! America needs to show the world that we have the morals and dignity to take back this country from an evil movement to undermine every good thing this country has ever done.
Trump supporters drink dosed Kool-Aid everyday, This is what "Dumbing Down of America" has done. Now he has a Head of Education who thinks didn't know teachers and students have to buy their own supplies. The new head of Education Amway's DeVos will have Diamond Direct Teachers after they have amassed enough points in the multi-level educational plan she will institute. We have a Head of Education who wants to get rid of public education in favor of vouchers and private schools, and head of the EPA who sued the EPA many times in the past, and doesn't represent its best interest.
     We need to give this president a vote of "No Confidence"'. No more bees, no more wolfs, no more bears, no more wildlife if Trump has his way. No more clean water from dumping coal processing in our rivers, more earthquakes in every state that allows fracking. More birth defects from the water table contaminated by chemicals used in fracking. This is how you reverse 100 year of sane thinking in exchange for the most destructive sets of legislative actions in almost 100 years.

 You can't run a company such as Apple, Microsoft, or IBM like a Democracy, it won't work, just as you can't have the cabinet of the White House trying to run a Democratic Government like a company. They have incompatible philosophies. A company today emphasis's the needs of the board of directors and stockholders relative to profit and growth. A Democracy listens and implements the needs of the people, society and environment for improving the quality of life and living for the whole.


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