Emperor Trump take control of his agencies!

      Welcome to the new order of reality that used to be science fiction with 1984 George Orwell and the Man in the High Castle. Here are the real directories order by our new Uber Trump! 1. Officials at the Department of Health and Human Services were reportedly directed “not to send any correspondence to public officials (to include Members of Congress and state and local officials) between now and February 3, unless specifically authorized by the Department.”
2. The Environmental Protection Agency froze grant making, restricted social media, and told its employees not to talk about it.
3.  Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service was directed not to release “any public-facing documents,” including, but not limited to, “news releases, photos, fact sheets, news feeds, and social media content,” according to an email obtained by the Associated Press.
4. The Department of the Interior and Department of Energy have both halted or limited social media use. 
5. The Department of Transportation told employees not to publish news releases or social media until they receive new guidance from the Trump administration. [SOURCE: Politico]
 6. The National Institutes of Health were “to hold on publishing new rules or guidance in the Federal Register or other public forums and discussing them with public officials until the Administration has had an opportunity to review them,” per Institutes spokeswoman Renate Myles. [SOURCE: Politico]
 More agencies to block and censor to come from our fearful leader and new Emperor Trump!
Know is defending himself from Its good to be King thinking with young women.
FEDERAL CASE 1:16-cv-04642-RA refiled as 116-cv-07673-RA on 9/30/2016: Trump Accused of Raping a 13 Year Old Girl 
What a role model for our country!




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