Chaos Creator - A New Era of Insanity Illness - Immediate Recall Election

     Trump is the Chaos Creator and Bringer of the World. He is evil incarnate. Remember what happened to Caesar when he tried to proclaim himself dictator in a democracy.
     We are all immigrants since we slaughter 100 million Indians and invaded the United States and took it away from all the Indians. We had Japanese internment camps. If you were blind would you still be able to tell the differences in colors between us. "Dumbing Down of America" has worked to create a generation of sheep. "We the People" have a Psychopath Bi-Polar, Demagogue in the White House who thinks he can rule on high and circumvent democracy. Hate thinking is wrong and divides a country as he truly seeks to destroy democracy by inciting a national civil war. 
     We are all different and have more in common that dissimilar. Read the sign on the Statue of Liberty. We are supposed to giver shelter to refugees who are being persecuted for their beliefs. Trump is a crazy attacking everyone in the United States that disagrees with him. He can't tolerate a difference of opinion. 
     Trump thinks that all decisions are black and white and there are not shades of gray in the world. He is a spoiled rich kid real estate person who is a pathological liar.
God help us all when people are intimidated by power and when someone in power “pushes” those around his to mandate that his decisions are similar to a military General’s orders. That is not how real democracy works. He has no knowledge of the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. He is a Real Estate Investor and Financial Baron, but has no clue on how to treat women, men, minorities and his piers. I am interested to see how long it takes for those in Congress to realize it is a time to decide to do what is right for people who hired those members of Congress and our Senators must do what their soul and heart demands to bring peace and calm to the unrest Trump has fueled as he instill anger, anguish, and civil unrest. Time will tell as people are being tested by God and country to speak up and do the right thing to impeach Trump and Peance, and/or have an immediate Recall Election.


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